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Application Guidelines (Qualification / Requirements)

Student Application Guidelines

2024/6/24 up

This program recruits program students as follows. Please check each application guideline for details.

Application period
October 2024 admission August 6 - 10, 2024
April 2025 admission January 10 - 20, 2025
Application Information Applicants

Master's program
October 2024 admission
April 2025 admission

Master's program
October 2024 Enrollment (scheduled)
April 2025 Enrollment (scheduled) etc.
Transfer to the doctoral program
October 2024 admission
April 2025 admission
Doctoral program
October 2024 Enrollment (scheduled)
April 2025 Enrollment (scheduled) etc.
Transfer to the doctoral program
(Prospective students who will
complete the Marine AI Core Course)
October 2024 admission
April 2025 admission

Prospective students who will complete the Marine AI Core Course

Marine Industry AI Professional Faculty

The program provided training for faculty members with the aim of further utilizing AI in research and certified the completion of AI training.Please use it as a reference when deciding on an academic advisor.

Maine Industry AI Professional Faculty List .pdf

Briefing session

October 2024 Recruitment

Date and Time Thursday, July 4, 2024 from 15:00 to 15:30

April 2025 Recruitment

Date and Time Thursday, December 12, 2024 from 15:00 to 15:30

The event will be held online using Cisco Webex.
For the URL to attend the meeting, students should check the campus information in the Academic Affairs System.
For non-degree students, please contact WISE Program Promotion Support Office.

Previous briefings (conducted in January 2023)

Application flow

STEP 1Preparation of research plan with academic advisor

Please consult with your academic advisor about the contents of the research plan, which is one of the application documents. Consider a theme that utilizes AI for your own research.

STEP 2Submission

Please submit set of application documents within the applicable period by email. [Address for the submission] marine-ai_office[at]o.kaiyodai.ac.jp * Please replace [at] to @

STEP 3First selection: document screening

Documents will be examined by the judges. Screening will be conducted based on Transcript of the final school, motivation forthe application, and research plan in a comprehensive manner. After the first selection, we will notify you of the pass / fail results individually by email. Successful applicants will be individually adjusted for the secondary selection schedule.

STEP 4Second selection: interview screening

An interview will be conducted by the judges. The interview screening includes a presentation regarding the contents of the submitted research plan and a subsequent question and answer session. The sessions evaluate applicants in a comprehensive manner based on their academic abilities, research skills, and understanding about and motivation for the Program.

STEP 5Announcement of successful applicants

Successful applicants will be announced on the Program website. Successful applicants will be also notified individually.

Related Information

【Video】Briefing Session on students recruitment for WISE Program October 2022 Admission
(Language: Japanese)