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Campus of Echujima

Zip 135-8533 2-1-6, Ecchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo

Campus of Echujima

Campus map of Etchujima
  1. Guard House
  2. Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
  3. Number 1 Building
  4. Centennial Museum
  5. Meiji Maru
  6. Number 1 Research Building [Marine AI Development and Evaluation Center (MAIDEC)]
  7. Turbo-power Engineering Building
  8. Number 2 Research Building
  9. Employee Guesthouse
  10. Number 3 Research Building
  11. Office of Liaison and Cooperative Research
  12. University Library, Etchujima
  13. Number 2 Building
  14. Etchujima Hall
  16. Number 4 Research Building
  17. Number 5 Research Building
  18. Number 3 Building
  19. 1st Boathouse
  20. 2nd Boathouse
  21. Clubhouse
  22. Physical Education Administration Building
  23. Ship Maneuvering Research Basin
  24. Student Dormitory (Kaiyoryo)
  25. Memorial Hall of the 85th Anniversary
  26. Gymnasium
  27. International House
  28. Employee Apartment House

Campus of Shinagawa

Zip 108-8477 4-5-7, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Campus of Shinagawa

Campus map of Shinagawa
  1. Guard House
  2. Health Service Center
  3. Employee Guesthouse
  4. Administration Building
  5. Auditorium
  6. Circulating Water Channel
  7. Number 1 Building
  8. Number 2 Building
  9. Fish Laboratory
  10. Number 3 Building
  11. Number 4 Building
  12. Number 6 Building
  13. 7Number 7 Building / Office of Liaison and Cooperative Research
  14. Radioisotope Laboratory
  15. Hydraulic Test Laboratory
  16. Wastewater Treatment Plant
  17. Number 8 Building
  18. Number 9 Building
  19. Student Dormitory (Hoyoryo)
  20. International House
  21. Hakuyo Hall
  22. Rakusui Hall
  23. Museum of Fishery Sciences
  24. Whale Gallery
  25. University Library
  26. University Hall
  27. Lecture Room Building
    [Academic affairs division]
  28. Number 5 Building
  29. Japanese Martial Arts Gymnasium
  30. Gymnasium administration building, lodge facilities
  31. Clubhouse
  32. Special Research Facilities/Information Processing Center
  33. Gymnasium
  34. Experiment and Practice of Fishery Mechanics
  35. Boathouse