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Learning support

English training

As part of global human resource development, we are conducting English training for the purpose of acquiring logical conversation skills and practical meeting skills.

Online learning platform (Self-directed learning)

In this program, program students can freely study about 5,000 courses using the online learning platform.

MATLAB [Numerical Analysis Software

Students enrolled in the degree program (WISE Program) and related faculty and staff can install the numerical analysis software MATLAB on their PC, etc. and use it for free. Please log in to the following page to download the software.

What's MATLAB?

MATLAB is a programming and numerical computing platform used for data analysis, visualization, algorithm development, and model creation.


For inquiries regarding use, please contact Mathworks support or "MATLAB Answer".
・MATLAB & Simulink(mathworks.com) Support
・MATLAB Answer(https://jp.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers)

Internship / Residentship

We provide internships (in 2 years for the first semester program) and resident ships (longer training, 3 years for the second semester program) that specialize in the practice of AI mainly to consortium partner institutes.

The following are examples of internship themes.

  • Super-resolution of seafloor topographic maps using AI
  • Development of transportation simulator by multi-agent system
  • Construction of a system to detect abnormalities from river camera images
  • Considering the introduction of AI technology for coastal and port analysis
  • Data assimilation of ocean observation results by fishing boats into ocean current models
  • Construction of training data creation system for marine vessel recognition