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"Marine AI Workshop I" started


"Marine AI Workshop I" which positioned in "Interdisciplinary courses" of the Development of WISE Program to foster AI Professionals for Marine Industries have started.

This "Marine AI Workshop I" is held in an omnibus format by inviting lecturers from the Marine AI Consortium Partner Institutes, which is a collaboration between industry, academia and government. The lecturer will introduce examples of AI social implementation efforts (research and business) in each field, set the theme of the discussion, and hold discussions and presentations in the world cafe format.

Through this workshop, program students aim to acquire the following abilities.

  1. Understand the progress of AI research outside the field of specialization and the problems of AI research in your own field of specialization, and find solutions through discussions.
  2. Be able to explain in an easy-to-understand manner to researchers outside your field of expertise.

Marine AI Workshop I

Screenshots of the 1st and 2nd "Marine AI Workshop I"

The themes of each of the 15 workshops are as follows.

The themes of each of the 15 workshops are as follows.