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3rd Marine AI Study Session was held.


In order to provide a place where teachers who are interested in research on AI, teachers who want to know about research on AI, and teachers who are thinking of collaborating with other fields in research on AI can exchange opinions, 3rd Marine AI Study Session (for faculty members and consortium members) was held, and information was provided by faculty members of the university.

There was a lively exchange of opinions on the day, and it was a meaningful place.
We plan to continue to provide opportunities on a regular basis.

3rd Marine AI Study Session

Date and time February 12th (Friday) 10: 00-11: 00
Details "Non-destructive measurement of food using fluorescent fingerprints"
Information provider: Mariro Shibata (Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology)
Participants 25 people (3 people from collaborating organizations)