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Dedication Ceremony for the Marine AI Development and Evaluation Center (MAIDEC)


TUMSAT held a dedication ceremony for the Marine AI Development and Evaluation Center (MAIDEC) on Friday, November 1, 2019 in front of the Number 1 Research Building of the Etchujima Campus. The ceremony, which had instructors and students in attendance, began with opening remarks by President Takeuchi. He referred to the Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education (WISE program) for the Development of AI Professionals in the Marine Industry adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan as a program that aligns TUMSAT's educational action plan such as the promotion of high-quality education that meets international standards in TUMSAT Vision 2027 Version 2, creative educational programs that lead the world in marine fields, and the development of personnel who will support future cutting-edge research. He also expressed his hope that the education and research program enable MAIDEC to foster personnel who can make full use of AI in marine-related fields. Then, Vice President Shoji, who is the first director of MAIDEC, expressed her gratitude for the continued cooperation of the many participants involved in the establishment of MAIDEC and reaffirmed her devotion to the management of the Program and MAIDEC.

President Takeuchi providing remarks
Director Shoji (right) providing remarks

The ceremony was followed by the unveiling of the signboard by President Takeuchi, Executive Director (for Education and International Affairs) Tokai, Director Shoji, and Vice Director Iseki, as part of the dedication of MAIDEC.

Unveiling ceremony

Executive Director Tokai, President Takeuchi,
Director Shoji, Vice Director Iseki (from left to right)

MAIDEC (Number 1 Research Building 3F) is fully equipped with education and research systems to accumulate and analyze various big data related to marine fields, including the latest high-performance computer, marine observation equipment, and a high-speed sequencer for genomic analysis. In the WISE Program for the Development of AI Professionals in the Marine Industry, we utilize the features of TUMSAT, including state-of-the-art nautical training vessels such as Shinyo-Maru, the Field Science Center, and an advanced navigation system, to conduct exhaustive education and research on a wide range of marine, maritime, and fisheries fields. Topics include (1) the development of autonomous sailing ships demanded by the marine industry, (2) marine observations based on satellites and Argo float data, (3) analysis of aquatic genome information, (4) assessment and management of aquatic resources, and (5) establishment of next-generation smart fisheries. MAIDEC will also serve as a base for the Marine AI Consortium (tentative name), which undertakes industry-academia-government collaborations.

Participants of the dedication ceremony