
Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research / Liability Insurance

All TUMSAT students are required to join Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research / Liability Insurance. This insurance plan covers injuries incurred during classes/research at university, in extracurricular activities, or while commuting. The student education/research accident insurance plan is referred to as Gakken-Sai in Japanese. Supplementary insurance coverage is also offered as part of Gakken-Sai, including liability insurance for on-campus incidents. The insurace enrollment procedures can be completed together with entrance procedures for newly enrolling students, and ongoing basis for students in the second year of study and higher. Reference documents and application forms are available at Student Affairs Department (Student Support Division).

Personal Accident Insurance for Students (Gakken-Sai) and Liability Insurance

Insurance name Type of insurance Insurance premiums 1 A+B
A Personal Accident Insurance for Students Only injuries incurred on campus, during academic activities, or while commuting to/from the university ¥1,000 (1 year)
¥1,750 (2 years)
¥2,600 (3 years)
¥3,300 (4 years)
¥1,340 (1 year)
¥2,430 (2 years)
¥3,620 (3 years)
¥4,660 (4 years)
B Liability Insurance for Students For damages caused on campus, during academic activities, or while commuting to/from the university ¥340 (1 year)
¥680 (2 years)
¥1,020 (3 years)
¥1,360 (4 years)

*Note: The insured period is until the student's earliest year of graduation. (Students who repeat a year must re-join.)
