Credit Conversion and Score Conversion Table

    CTSEAA Credit Conversion

    The following conversion table of CTSEAA with each university's credit system will be applied to each subject on the Course Catalogue. Numbers show standard conversion for lectures, which may be changed for each course (ex. experiment, training, etc).

    Credit Conversion 1 CTSEAA 1 credit 1 credit 1 credit 1 credit 1credit 1 credit 1 credit
    Student Studying Hour 40~45 hrs. 29 hrs. 30 hrs. 30 hrs. 29 hrs. 30 hrs. 40 hrs. 32 hrs.
    Teaching Hours 16 hrs. 15 hrs. 15 hrs. 16 hrs. 15 hrs. 13.3 hrs.

    Score Conversion Table

    The following table illustrates a recommended conversion of grade systems of parties. The score conversion at home university is determined by home university based on the score issued by host university and this conversion table.

    Reference Grade Score SHOU TUMSAT KMOU CU KU UM IPB
    A 95-100 A A+ A+ A A A+ A
    90-94 A A+ A A A A+ A
    B 85-89 A A B+ A A A A
    80-84 B A B A A A A
    C 75-79 B B C+ B+ B+ A- AB
    70-74 C B C B B B+ B
    D 65-69 C C D+ C+ C+ B BC
    60-64 D C D C C B- C
    F 55-59 F F F D+ D+ C+ D
    50-54 F F F D D C D
    45-49 F F F F F C- D
    0-44 F F F F F D+, D, F D

    *The B- grade at UM is a grade of 60-64 on the score scale, but it is a failing grade (Fail).
