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【開催案内】第18回海洋AI学生勉強会Plus (2024.3.25)




第18回 2024年3月25日(月)14:00~16:00


Opening Adress

Akira Eto TUMSAT(M2)
TitleStomach contents detection of deep sea fishes by deep learning
AbstractDeep sea fishes are recently important as resources, although their ecological habits are unknown, especially the food web. Then, accumulating knowledge about feeding habits of deep sea fishes is important. However, stomach content analysis, the traditional and primary method for feeding habit analysis, requires time-consuming work by taxonomic experts. This study aims to automate stomach content analysis by deep learning for analysis efficiency. We collected images containing stomach contents for building datasets and developed the object detection model that can recognize some major prey by YOLOv7.

Snorre Bakke, Department of Biological Sciences in Ålesund, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 
Title: Effect of sea-based aquaculture on marine wild species - Studies at the department of biological sciences at NTNU in Ålesund Norway
Abstract: Sea-based aquaculture have different impacts on the surrounding marine environment. One such effect is that aquaculture cages function as fish aggregation devices, in that several species of wild marine animals are attracted to the cages. At the department of biological sciences at NTNU in Ålesund (IBA) we employ different methods to study these interactions. In this presentation I will give three examples of such studies and the methods we use at IBA. Specifically, (1) the use of Baited Remotely Underwater Video to study the occurrence of wild benthic fish near fish farms, (2) the use of 360 sonar to study the presence of wild fish in proximity to fish cages over time, and (3) the use of acoustic telemetry to study the behavior of crabs in proximity to salmon aquaculture sites.

Lars C. Gansel,  Department of Biological Sciences in Ålesund, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Title: AI to accelerate marine monitoring - a cross-disciplinary approach to ecosystem understanding
Abstract: Understanding of marine ecosystems and their dynamics demands relevant and often large amounts of data and long time series. Many traditional methods for marine biological exploration and monitoring purposes require manual analyses and are highly time consuming, thus resource availability has been a limiting factor. Modern technologies give us tools at hand to explore more of the ocean space and to produce more relevant data faster. However, proper use of such technologies often requires cross-disciplinary teams with domain knowledge of different disciplines. In this talk, we will discuss approaches towards the use of AI to accelerate marine monitoring, using examples from wild and farmed fish detection, plankton analyses and marine behavioral studies.

開催方法:対面もしくはZOOM 発表時間は5分の質疑応答時間を含みます。

  • 海洋AI学生勉強会Plusの趣旨

  • 参加資格


  • アーカイブ方針
