List of Degree Programs Offered

Course of Food Science and Technology

In this course, we educate students and undertake research about principles and advanced technologies related to production, preservation, distribution and consumption of foods, with a focus on marine products. Especially, we comprehensively educate and undertake research focusing not only on securing and improving the safety and healthiness of foods in the chain from resources to consumption, and on improving the functionality of foods from the viewpoints of promoting human health and constancy, but also on developing the designing and performing abilities required for the multidisciplinary development of technologies, from the viewpoints of chemistry, microbiology, physics and engineering, supporting the safety, healthiness and functionality of foods.

The image of the students we are looking for

This course welcomes students who are interested in the following subjects: securing and promoting the safety of food at all stages from selection of raw materials up to their consumption, clarifying the functionality of food, and optimum control of food production. Students have to be highly motivated to independently identify and to solve the problems in the field of food science and technology.

Study Areas

  • Food Maintenance Studies
  • Food Quality Design Science Course
  • Salad Science(Endowed Laboratory)

Enrollment quota

32 students
