Ege University visited TUMSAT(2017/02/10)

news 2017.02.10

On 10th February 2017, Prof.Dr Şukran Çakli, Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries, Asscoc.Prof. Dr Mehmet Tolga Dinçer, Faculty of Fisheries-Head of the International Affairs and EU relation commission, Sinem Çınarlı ,

Ege-University Rectorate, Director of the International Affairs and EU Relations, from Ege University (Turkey) made a courtesy visit to our President, Dr. Toshio Takeuchi.

At the courtesy visit, our President Dr. Takeuchi and Asscoc.Prof. Dr Mehmet Tolga Dinçer, and other members had fruitful discussion on promoting our collaborative relationships including student exchanges.

They visited our university to participate in the meeting to discuss on ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), in association with the credit transfer system that TUMSAT, Shanghai Ocean University and Korea Maritime and Ocean University are planning to implement under the newly launched program.

The meeting involved many passionate discussions, after the presentation of the overview and the latest information on the ECTS by Ege University.

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